Chill Out – Helipad @ The Central, Clarke Quay

Feel like “drinking”… thats where i dated my friends to Clarke Quay. Still pondering on which club or pub to go too… guess the rain helps in my decision. It was raining and i don’t want to walk over to Clarke Quay area. I decided to stay at The Central…so HELIPAD is my choice!

Seriously! They have good location! It’s my friends’ first time there. What a pity, due to the rain, the “helipad” area on the 2nd floor is closed. Couldn’t bring them up. It’s my second time there. The first time here, it was “OVERCROWDED”…coz its 2010 new year’s countdown… LOL that means its like almost a year since i last came. wow. Time Flies!

I got to take a better look at the place tonight. We got ordered a bottle of red wine, a pizza and wedges. The red wine is pretty cheap less than a hundred coz of the promotion. Well the drinks over there are relatively reasonable i would say. Not very cheap but reasonable. After 10 or 11pm (*I think), the cover charge is $20 with 2 drinks. Not bad right. LOL. But it doesn’t concern us coz we are there early, around 9.30pm. And after 12pm, they also have a 1-1 promotion for house beer. Well, we ordered that for second round of drinking. I never like beer (*feels so gas-c), but since there is a promotion… WHY NOT! *LOL* Love to try the shots but my friends wasn’t keen to get “drunk”. *LOL* Tame down on my drinking…wasn’t very happening too… no one on the dance floor.. ITS SATURDAY… and thats all… OMG… SPOILER! We left around 2am. (PS: an hr more to closing, and still no one dancing on the dance floor -_-) Conclusion after tonight… Helipad is not a recommended place for “partying” but if you would like to just drink and have fun with friends… Helipad is still not a bad option too ^_^

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Address: #05-22 The Central, 6 Eu Tong Sen Street

Operating Hours:
Mon – Thur: 6pm – 2am
Fri: 6pm – 3am
Sat: 8pm – 3am
Sun: Closed

Published by naturallysnoopy

Having a life full of unexpected surprises and incidents - both memorable and unforgettable (*in the wrong ways). I am sometimes composed and sensible, whereas other times i am a hyper party animal (*Split Personalities). Love traveling (*within a country & overseas), Love spending time with "myself" (*ommmmm), Love having new encounters (*in the Least Expected way), Love being with the ones i LOVE (*that includes YOU), Love watching dramas & plays (*thats why i fall in love with STAGE), Love listening with music (*though i still cant really remember the names of the singer nor title), Love eating DESSERTS (*yummy), Love going to cinemas for movies (*why is it so expensive now)...

5 thoughts on “Chill Out – Helipad @ The Central, Clarke Quay

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