Movie Review – A Chinese Ghost Story

OMG ~ The big beard is Xiaoqian’s ex-lover… A new twist and turn of this Chinese ancient old love story ~ its pretty lame and not worth watching in cinema… so dun waste your time going there to watch.. but but.. its pretty funny and do consider to rent or buy a dvd and watchContinue reading “Movie Review – A Chinese Ghost Story”

Movie Review – Water For Elephants

Parents met in an accident on Jacob’s last exam paper… Jacob’s good life ended… he lost his house, being penniless, Jacob went off to seek for a “life”… he got up to this train.. and it turns out to be a circus train… with his knowledge he turns out to be the veterinarian for theContinue reading “Movie Review – Water For Elephants”

Movie Review – The Roommate

Another psychological thriller “The Roommate”… It was screened quite sometime back… thought i should just review since i still can remember ~ This is how “disturbing” is this movie.. LOL ~ Well it started with a new colleage freshman who moved in to the hostel…she got no friends and suddenly just becomes very obsessed withContinue reading “Movie Review – The Roommate”

Movie Review – Priest

“If you go against the church, you are going against the God.” PRIEST, a thriller movie about a war between man and vampires over centuries… “Niece” of the legendary Warrior Priest (Paul Bettany) has been captured by a murderous pack of vampires who killed her parents. The leader abducted his “niece” and use her asContinue reading “Movie Review – Priest”