Movie Review – Rise of the Planet of the Apes

Wow.. almost 10 years… another story about the “Apes”… I still remember the first Planet of the Apes was screened when i were still studying in Poly!!! However i must emphasize.. this movie has nothing to do or link with the “Plant of the Apes” RISE OF THE PLANET OF THE APES… its not aboutContinue reading “Movie Review – Rise of the Planet of the Apes”

Movie Review – Cowboys & Aliens

Another Blockbuster movie… Humans VS Aliens… “Humans” sound too common ~ perhaps they got the inspiration from “Rango” thats why they came out with this “Cowboys VS Aliens LOL… Have you watched? Don’t bother unless its a free ticket… I almost fall asleep for a period of time… this movie is not able to keepContinue reading “Movie Review – Cowboys & Aliens”