Musical Play Review – King Kong

Prepare to be amazed as KING KONG brings a legend to life on stage.”

Gosh! Be Amazed – King Kong – Musical Play!!! How can i missed it !!!

It’s only by chance to know that King Kong is showing when we reached Melbourne… not sure if they will be performing in Singapore but if they do – it gotta be in your must-watch-list!

An ambitious file director spotted a young lady whom he predicts to be the next Hollywood’s big star. Together with his crew, they travel to Skull Island to capture King Kong – a legendary creature of his last kind. The amazing part of this musical play is not just the songs they sung but how the backstage crew brought King Kong to “LIVE” that really caught my attentions and i simply can’t close my jaws. It’s a hugemongous creature with super loud and strong “roar” but yet so gentle to who he loves, willing to sacrifice for… i can’t forget the fear from his first roar to where it soften my heart till i simply wanna “aww” from his shyness and wink.

AWESOME!!! If the crew is really bringing King Kong to Singapore, seriously just buy the tickets to watch their performance!!! Definitely worth it…




Published by naturallysnoopy

Having a life full of unexpected surprises and incidents - both memorable and unforgettable (*in the wrong ways). I am sometimes composed and sensible, whereas other times i am a hyper party animal (*Split Personalities). Love traveling (*within a country & overseas), Love spending time with "myself" (*ommmmm), Love having new encounters (*in the Least Expected way), Love being with the ones i LOVE (*that includes YOU), Love watching dramas & plays (*thats why i fall in love with STAGE), Love listening with music (*though i still cant really remember the names of the singer nor title), Love eating DESSERTS (*yummy), Love going to cinemas for movies (*why is it so expensive now)...

One thought on “Musical Play Review – King Kong

  1. Which brings me on to some of the less positive aspects of the show. While Kong himself is stunning, and well worth seeing, the story that surrounds him is pallid in comparison. None of the other characters, or the stories that surround them, are particularly interesting. At times the plot feels shallow and slow, while at others it skips ahead in great leaps and bounds, seemingly neglecting opportunities for great dramatic moments and replacing them with mere trifles. One Christmas scene in particular, upon the characters’ arrival back in New York is utterly perplexing. Why is it there? Perhaps this is an aspect of the King Kong narrative that I’ve simply never noticed before? Adam Lyon, who plays Carl Denham, says, “There are shows that don’t conform precisely to the norms of the industry. This is very much one of those shows.” I do agree with him, but I also wonder why a show of such grandeur and quality makes do with a storyline that seems rushed and menial?

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