Food Hunt – Koufu @ Nanyang Poly

KOUFU (NANYANG POLYTECHNIC) You can’t judge the taste of the food by its look nor the price. I studied in NYP before and i love the food at “Food Junction”. Now it has been replaced by “Koufu”. But it seems that the hawkers are still the same. LOL. Can’t really recall but the japanese foodContinue reading “Food Hunt – Koufu @ Nanyang Poly”

Food Hunt – New York New York @ AMK Hub

New York New York Been there numerous times. Loved the “real” food – pasta, western food etc. However, i wasn’t having a craving for “real” food so i tried their appetizer platter and coleslaw and… of course.. dessert – brownie. It was normal, okay, alright. Brownie was fine. But not as good as Seventh HeavenContinue reading “Food Hunt – New York New York @ AMK Hub”