Dessert Hunt – Honeymoon Dessert 满记甜品 @ Vivocity

Dessert after meal~ heard so much about Honeymoon Dessert… finally got my chance to try!!! -_-” but i guess i pinned too much high hopes… kinda disappointed… its not really, very fantastic…its so-so… dun understand why still so many people queuing and crowding around the shop at this hour… FYI its already around 10pm… yourContinue reading “Dessert Hunt – Honeymoon Dessert 满记甜品 @ Vivocity”

Drama Review – 刁蛮娇妻苏小妹 2010

刁蛮娇妻苏小妹 刁蛮娇妻苏小妹 是一部爱情,家庭,搞笑古装戏。 It is all about this lady, 苏小妹, always finding rights for woman that they can be smarter than guys, they can also be a scholar, they deserves equality. But then again, in the olden days, woman is always been despise by man. Therefore, it is relatively difficult for her to change theirContinue reading “Drama Review – 刁蛮娇妻苏小妹 2010”

Food Hunt – C.Nai Hong Kong Cafe @ East Coast Road

Wee hours again… Feel like snacking.. Wanna check out “Tian Mi Mi” for desserts but guess what. They are closed since 7 months ago. LOL. oh well, thank got there is a “cha chaan teng” next door. ^_^ C.Nai Hong Kong Cafe (East Coast Road) The environment is pretty quiet. I guess its because ofContinue reading “Food Hunt – C.Nai Hong Kong Cafe @ East Coast Road”