Movie Review – MAMA

A story about Mother’s Love for her Child ~ its a Black Monday – Market Tumbles – Dad was under pressure (i supposed) and he killed his wife; he quickly took his 2 innocent little girls away and drive onto the highway. Dad couldn’t concentrate, feeling frustrated especially with his elder daughter’s repeated question andContinue reading “Movie Review – MAMA”

Movie Review – Silent Hill: Revelation

Here we go – another horror film on screen! Silent Hill “Part 2” – is a continuous sequel of original Silent Hill, which is adapted from a popular video game. This time round it comes in 3D too ~ take a pick between digital or 3D… either one… scroll down to see my review –Continue reading “Movie Review – Silent Hill: Revelation”

Movie Review – Paranormal Activity 4

Have you watched? No… Then think twice ~ After chasing PA for 3 rounds, PA4 doesn’t seem to be scary at all. O but i will still credit for the sudden sound during “silence”. It is a continuous story from PA3. And… oh well ~ nothing much for me to disclose and hook you upContinue reading “Movie Review – Paranormal Activity 4”

Movie Review – The Possession

Another possessed movie based on true story… A true terrifying story that happen over 29 days for a family and how the survive through and against the unspeakable evil… It all started from an estate/yard sale… Emily got enchanted by an antique wooden box with jewish characters curved on it… Clyde (Father) and Stephanie (Mother)Continue reading “Movie Review – The Possession”

Movie Review – The Resident

Well.. if you have been following my blog… i was reviewing a movie called “The Roommate” skip that… this is so much better … “The Resident” … another psychological thriller even better plus suspense and horror.. oh well.. if you are only comparing the two movies.. LOL… In short.. this Beautiful Doctor just separate fromContinue reading “Movie Review – The Resident”

Movie Review – The Ghosts Must Be Crazy!

J Team is back with “Horro-medy”. Horro-medy = Horror + Comedy This movie features 2 short stories – “The Day Off” and “Ghost Bride”. Simply Chinese Version of “Scary Movie”.. Hilarious, Ridiculous… “The Day Off” Another Ghost Story from the army camp outfield. “Old” army are called back for their annual in-camp training, also knownContinue reading “Movie Review – The Ghosts Must Be Crazy!”

Movie Review – The Haunted House Project

The Haunted House Project Another “Blair Witch Project” lookalike movie… shaky video… not much of a “scare”… a bit of Japanese & Korean horror movie style… erm reminds me of the exorcist… anyway… its “bad” i doubt i wanna watch ever ever again… i wonder is our “Changi Hospital” documentary movie is similar to this…didn’tContinue reading “Movie Review – The Haunted House Project”

Movie Review – Paranormal Activity 2

Have you watched Paranormal Activity? You still remember the photo of the little girl in the attic… ever wonder why she is so scare after finding it and why she questioned on how come that photo is there.. when it suppose to be “somewhere” else? ?You will understand better by watching Paranormal Activity 2. ItContinue reading “Movie Review – Paranormal Activity 2”

Movie Review – The Child’s Eye in 3D

I must say i am impressed for the first Hongkong 3D horror movie production. Thumbs up for the 3D effect, together with the sound it makes the movie even better. The movie is about a group of friends going for a holiday in Bangkok and they meet a riot fight where they are forced toContinue reading “Movie Review – The Child’s Eye in 3D”