Food Hunt – Ministry of Steak @ Serangoon Garden

Steaks Lover~! This is a place you wouldn’t want to miss out. It’s a last minute decision to have the dinner there. When we reached, their kitchen is closing in less than 30mins. We decided to stick with the plan and have the dinner there. Well, guess what despite being one of the last fewContinue reading “Food Hunt – Ministry of Steak @ Serangoon Garden”

Food Hunt – Yum Cha Garden Restaurant @ Serangoon Garden

Family gathering for a good breakfast! Come to Yum Cha! ^_^ Yum Cha Garden Restaurant I brought my mum there once and she loved it. The customer service is good. The food is good too. Not ALL dishes but compared to other restaurants, we thought its good enough. With the atmosphere and cozy environment, indeed,Continue reading “Food Hunt – Yum Cha Garden Restaurant @ Serangoon Garden”

Dessert Hunt – Ice Cube Cafe (ICE3) @ Serangoon Garden

ICE3 Cafe I heard that the waffle was good. But was too full to try. I tried the Ice Cream and brownie instead. Ermmmm… Well i don’t really like it… after trying so many brownies, this is just not up to the standard (*i felt)… For sure i won’t go back for the brownie butContinue reading “Dessert Hunt – Ice Cube Cafe (ICE3) @ Serangoon Garden”

Dessert Hunt – Dessert Bowl 一碗甜品 @ Serangoon Garden

You love Dessert? You love Durian? Dessert Bowl is the place for you! Dessert Bowl 一碗甜品 Located at one of the shophouses of Serangoon Garden. It is located on the 2nd floor, same shophouse as OCBC bank. Open the door and follow the durian scent up the trail to 2nd floor. They are famous forContinue reading “Dessert Hunt – Dessert Bowl 一碗甜品 @ Serangoon Garden”